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查看Linux 32 or 64 bit及Linux版本命令


getconf LONG_BIT or getconf WORD_BIT
[root@sy02 /]# getconf LONG_BIT

2.file command
[root@sy02 /]# file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped




1)uname -a
2)cat /proc/version
3)cat /etc/issue
4) ls /boot
5) lsb_release -a

1) 登录到服务器执行 lsb_release -a ,即可列出所有版本信息,例如:

[root@3.5.5Biz-46 ~]# lsb_release -a
LSB Version: 1.3
Distributor ID: RedHatEnterpriseAS
Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)
Release: 4
Codename: NahantUpdate1
[root@3.5.5Biz-46 ~]#


2) 登录到linux执行cat /etc/redhat-release ,例如如下:
[root@3.5.5Biz-46 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)
[root@3.5.5Biz-46 ~]#

这种方式下可以直接看到具体的版本号,比如 AS4 Update 1

3)登录到linux执行rpm -q redhat-release ,例如如下

[root@3.5.5Biz-46 ~]# rpm -q redhat-release
[root@3.5.5Biz-46 ~]#


redhat-release-3AS-1 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 3
redhat-release-3AS-7.4 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 3 Update 4
redhat-release-4AS-2 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 4
redhat-release-4AS-2.4 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 1
redhat-release-4AS-3 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 2
redhat-release-4AS-4.1 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 3
redhat-release-4AS-5.5 -> Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 4

注意:第(2)(3)两种方法只对Redhat Linux有效








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